Hyperdilute Radiesse

Radiesse is a dermal filler that has been in use since it was FDA-approved in 2006. It is often injected deep into the skin to smooth smile lines, lift sunken cheeks, plump hands, and strengthen jawlines. Recently, however, dermatologists and plastic surgeons have started using Radiesse in a unique way, by diluting (or when the ratio is 1:2 or higher, hyperdiluting) it with saline and lidocaine. It is then injected more superficially, to address concerns related to skin texture and laxity—think fine wrinkles, crepiness, acne scars, and cellulite as well as saggy skin. It can be used on the face, neck, chest, arms, abdomen, legs, and buttocks.


If you are looking for a solution to fine lines, crepiness and skin laxity, Hyperdilute Radiesse may be the answer. Hyperdilute Radiesse stimulates the production of collagen and elastin — two key proteins that control the skin’s hydration, resilience, and supple glow. It can help to firm, tighten, and restore sagging contours, as well as mitigate the onset of crepe-like skin that occurs with the aging process.


The skin rejuvenating effects of this innovative treatment are pronounced and visible, with collagen and elastin production starting as early as four weeks after the injections. This causes long-term skin tightening with ongoing dermal thickening.


What is Hyperdilute Radiesse?

Hyperdiluted Radiesse is simply Radiesse that has been thinned out with a mixture of saline solution and the numbing agent, lidocaine. This diluted mixture is injected into areas where the skin is lax. The calcium hydroxyapatite molecules in Radiesse then stimulate the body to build new collagen. This naturally firms and improves the area, restoring volume to the sagging area and improving the skin texture.


How does Hyperdilute Radiesse work?

When Radiesse is diluted in this fashion and then injected into areas of laxity it triggers the body to produce new collagen. Hyperdilute Radiesse has been proven to stimulate the production of new Type I collagen and elastin yielding smoother, firmer skin. Multiple treatments may be needed followed by occasional maintenance every 1-2 years.


What can Hyperdilute Radiesse treat?

When our board-certified dermatologists inject Hyperdilute Radiesse into an area, the calcium hydroxyapatite triggers the production of the new Type I collagen. These are the areas we’re having great success with:

·         Face

·         Neck

·         Upper inner arms

·         Buttocks

·         Hands

·         Decolletage

·         Mid and lower face

·         Abdomen

·         Knees




Hyper-dilute Radiesse can also be used to treat cellulite. By injecting hyperdilute Radiesse into areas with moderate to severe cellulite, the skin is plumped out, reducing the appearance of dimpling.



Radiesse is FDA-approved for hand rejuvenation, supplying much-needed volume to the back of the hands. Radiesse has a white, opaque color and is ideal for camouflaging visible tendons and veins that characterize the aging appearance of hands. It is unique in its ability to simultaneously create volume restoration while supplying a product that stimulates the body to build new collagen as it is gradually metabolized over time.

Typically, one syringe of Radiesse is divided between both hands, with a touch-up visit in 1 month. This minimizes swelling and provides gradual results over time. The duration of Radiesse in the back of the hands is approximately 9-12 months.



Sun-damaged or sagging skin on the chest and arms has been difficult to treat. Laser treatments are great for pigmentary concerns but do not address neck lines and laxity. Radiesse is used as a biostimulator when injected into the neck.


How long does it take Hyperdilute Radiesse to work?

Results of collagen remodeling take time. With Hyperdilute Radiesse, new collagen and elastic production begins as early as 4 weeks, which means you will see very little, if anything, before one month’s time. Results typically peak four months after the injection, however stability is achieved after nine months.


Am I a candidate for Hyperdilute Radiesse?

If you have mild to moderate skin laxity and are interested in a safe, minimal downtime treatment for smoother skin, then Hyper-Dilute Radiesse might be a great addition to your other cosmetic treatments. This treatment is ideal for tackling the negative effects of aging on your skin, including sagging, and crepe-like skin.


How many treatments of Hyperdilute Radiesse will I require?

One to three treatment sessions 6 weeks apart may be needed in the first year to achieve optimal aesthetic effects with maintenance of one treatment every 12 – 18 months.


Benefits of Hyperdilute Radiesse:

  • Helps to offset volume loss

  • Quick results in 1-3 sessions

  • Helps reduce cellulite

  • Corrects acne scarring

  • Reverses crepe-like skin

  • Stimulates the regeneration of collagen and elastic

  • Safe, non-surgical and minimally invasive


Is Hyperdilute Radiesse safe?

Radiesse was FDA-approved as a facial filler at the end of 2006. The use of hyperdilute Radiesse is technically “off label”. There is little to no downtime other than mild initial swelling and possible bruising. Our board-certified dermatologists use a cannula to maximize safety and minimize bruising.

Calcium hydroxyapatite, which is the mechanism by which Radiesse triggers collagen production, is a naturally occurring form of the mineral calcium apatite. It makes up most of our bone structure, builds tooth enamel, and exists in tiny amounts in the brain.


What can I expect with Hyperdilute Radiesse treatment?

Our board-certified dermatologists use a blunt-tipped cannula technique to deliver Radiesse decreasing the opportunity for bruising and increasing patient comfort during the procedure. Local numbing is blended into the Radiesse prior to filler placement, ensuring the procedure is essentially pain-free. The cannula enables our physicians to place the hyperdilute Radiesse into thinner, superficial layers of thin skin where the skin is crepe-like and saggy. Your appointment should take no more than 45 – 60 minutes.


Is there any downtime after having Hyperdilute Radiesse?

There is little to no downtime with Hyperdilute Radiesse injections. There can be some slight bruising at the injection sites, but this is minimal thanks to the use of the cannula. Patients can get right back to their normal activities immediately after their session.


Can I combine Hyperdilute Radiesse with other treatments?

Yes, Hyperdilute Radiesse is a great complement to other treatments. For instance, you could have Hyperdilute Radiesse to address the backs of your hands and we could add a laser session to target sunspots.


Radiesse vs. dilute Radiesse—what’s the difference?

A little refresher course on Radiesse: unlike hyaluronic acid (HA)–based filling materials like Juvéderm and Restylane, Radiesse works by stimulating your body to make collagen, the protein that plumps skin and keeps it smooth. The filler is made up of microspheres of calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA), a substance also found in bones, that are suspended in a gel.


Like HA fillers, Radiesse works immediately to improve the treated area. But over time, the gel is fully absorbed and the body metabolizes the CaHA microspheres, leaving behind your own natural collagen, which lasts for 18–24 months. In its unaltered form, Radiesse holds up well against gravity, which makes it an excellent filler for areas requiring a significant amount of structure and/or that are impacted by strong muscles, like the cheeks and jawline.


Depending on how much Radiesse is diluted, the material has a mild volumizing effect, at best. Instead, it creates the equivalent of a gel mesh. This initially holds an area more taut, but over time, it acts as a biostimulator to improve the tone and texture and even tighten skin. It most commonly used for the cheeks, neck, and chest in patients who have severe “solar elastosis,” or damaged collagen and elastin from sun exposure.


 Schedule Your Dermal Filler Consultation Today

Dermal Fillers are a quick anti-aging treatment that can restore years worth of volume loss and produce beautiful results. Perfect for men and women on the go, dermal fillers offer immediate results with little to no downtime. If you would like to learn if you are a good candidate for Hyperdilute Radiesse or other dermal fillers, please call ICON Dermatology today at (301) 810-3600 to schedule an initial consultation.